Find Out The Air Quality In Your Area Using Google Maps: Here’s How To Check It

Find Out The Air Quality In Your Area Using Google Maps: Here’s How To Check It

There’s a Google Maps feature you may want to consider before venturing into the great outdoors in these times of increased air pollution. Air pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment and human health. The changing weather, smog, and festive crackers contribute to air pollution. Poor air quality can harm one’s healthy significantly, especially if the person is already suffering from respiratory issues such as asthma.

While it is recommended that people should not go outdoors when the quality of the air is bad, this is not possible at all times. This feature has been added to Google Maps to help people check the current air quality index of any location.

Google Maps’ Air Quality Tracker Feature

The dedicated tool on Google Maps lets users check the air quality index in an area. One can use this feature to track the air quality of the place they reside in or want to visit. It will let you get an overview of your environment and plan your outdoor activities.

This feature is available on both the Android and iOS versions of the app. With this feature, you can make informed decisions based on the quality of air outside and stay safe by either wearing a mask or staying indoors. Though there are personal air purifiers out there in the market, this feature will be more useful whenever it is needed.

How to Check Air Quality on Google Maps

Let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide to checking air quality on Google Maps using a smartphone.

Step 1: Open up Google Maps and either hit the arrow button in the bottom right of the screen to pinpoint your location or type the location you’re thinking of visiting in the search bar.

Step 2: Press the layers button in the top right under the search bar to bring up the layers menu.

Air quality tool in the layers section. Credit: Screenshot: Google Maps

Step 3: From there, you can select “Air Quality” under Map details.

Step 4: Google will then display the index, giving you up-to-date information about what it’s like outside in your location.

Credit: Screenshot: Google Maps

That’s it! Google will show the air quality of the specific location available from the National Air Quality Index.
